Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2008 Certification Packets Ready

Like last year, I will have packets available for adult officials to pick up at the Dimond Athletic Club. Bring $55 (I prefer checks written out to ASAA) for the testing materials or $62 if you want a case book - which is such a lovely read.

The clinic with Steve Thorpe is still a go - only now UAA has scheduled a match on that same night. Willy and Freddie are scheduled to officiate the match and we might throw in Cathie as a R2, but I need to know how the gals will get paid for that and need to talk to Steve on details. Plan on a clinic at 5:30 in the same conference room then go to the match and then do a post-match clinic afterward. Basically, we are squeezing out all volleyball knowledge from Steve.

On a happy note, UAA is assisting AVOA on the hotel accomodations for Steve.

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